Advanced Database Cleaner Pro
Speed up your website by cleaning up your database!
Main features available on PRO version only.
Detect & delete orphaned options
Your ‘wp_options’ table may be full of orphaned options and therefore can impact the performance of your website. Clean up orphaned options is then important
Detect & delete orphaned tables
You may have orphaned tables that were created by plugins/themes you are not using anymore. Clean up orphaned tables will increase performances
Detect & delete orphaned cron jobs
After you uninstall a plugin/theme, some of its cron tasks may still be active making WordPress calling unknown functions. You should clean them up
Scan & Edit Categorization
You can scan specific items or all items to verify to which plugin/theme they belong. You can also correct the "belongs to" value
Search & Filter Anything
You can search and filter options, tables and cron jobs based on several criteria such as the "name", "creator", "value", etc.
Technical Support
We will provide custom and technical support to help you clean up your database efficiently without losing your important data