Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE)

WP Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) 7.4.0 Nulled

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  • [ADDED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Enhance List Tables:
    • Add an option to show a sortable, last modified column. Props to @nirmithamw for suggesting this.
    • Add an option to hide the date column. Maybe useful if you're showing the last modified column already.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Disable Components >> Disable REST API: add an option to disable REST API access for some or all authenticated / logged-in user role(). May be useful if you have a membership or ecommerce site and would like to limit access to the REST API for admins only. Props to Yurkee for suggesting this improvement.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Gutenberg: fix an issue where frontend gutenberg CSS assets and styles were not properly removed in some scenarios when using Bricks builder / themne, even though it's been set to be disabled in ASE settings. Props to @thekendog for reporting this.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo: fix styling issue when admin bar logo is enabled and shown in the admin bar on the frontend. Props to @lulech23 for reporting this.
  • [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]ASE is now translated into 22 languages:
    • Added new/improved translationfor:
      • Free: Spanish, Indonesian, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese
      • Pro: Hungarian, Norwegian, Vietnamese, Romanian
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to for more info.
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @bricksvip et al.
    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to R. József G. et al.
    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Hoang N.Q. et al.
    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Fabio P. et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Toine R and Peter S. et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @chazmlab et al.
    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @markussss, Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Alf O.F. et al.
    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S. et al.
    • Spanish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @marcorubiol et al.
    • Slovak: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Dominik K. et al.
    • Indonesian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @pakacil, Wawan S. et al.
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ricardo C. et al.
    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Irina et al.
    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ayyaz A. et al.
    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
    • Arabic: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Mohammed J. et al.
    • Romanian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Dan C., @ravishi et al.

7.3.3 (2024.09.02) - ASE Free and Pro​

  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Security >> Email Address Obfuscator: add option to only auto-obfuscate email addresses in post content for site visitors, not for logged-in users. This is useful for when you need to enable users to export post content that contains email addresses. Props to Wence W. for suggesting this improvement.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Security >> Limit Login Attempts: fix PHP warning. Props to
  • [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Clean Up Admin Bar: when 'Howdy' is removed, the account menu item will now be positioned towards the right-most part of the admin bar. Props to Basil B. and Tony B. for reporting the issue.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices: properly hide notices on user deletion confirmation screen. Props to @tomislo for reporting the issue.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: fix an issue where checks on non-public post types were not saved in the module settings. Props to Robert G. for reporting the issue.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Password Protection: fix an issue for WordPress subfolder install where entering the correct password does not work, i.e. does not remove password protection allowing to see the page content. Props to Manny C. and Markus F. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Security >> Email Address Obfuscator: fix an issue where the obfuscated email address is not being output in human-readable form when the shortcode for it is used inside an ACF options page (WYSIWYG Editor) and rendered via a Bricks builder template. Props to Aleš S. for reporting the issue and facilitatiing the troubleshooting process.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: fixed a bug where in a certain scenario, not all posts from a non-hierarchical post type is shown in the post ordering screen. Props to Henry R. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Utilities >> Search Engine Visibility Status: fix an issue where on certain scenarios, search engine indexing was being disabled unintentionally. Props to Val J. and Andreas K. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
  • [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]Added Indonesian and Romanian translation. ASE is now translated into 22 languages:
    • Added new/improved translationfor:
      • Completed for ASE Free: Indonesian, Romanian
      • Completed for ASE Pro: Indonesian
      • Updated for ASE Free: Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
      • Updated for ASE Pro: Norwegian
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to for more info.
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @bricksvip et al.
    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to R. József G. et al.
    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Hoang N.Q. et al.
    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Fabio P. et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Toine R and Peter S. et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @chazmlab et al.
    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @markussss, Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Alf O.F. et al.
    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S. et al.
    • Spanish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @marcorubiol et al.
    • Slovak: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Dominik K. et al.
    • Indonesian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @pakacil, Wawan S. et al.
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ricardo C. et al.
    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Irina et al.
    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ayyaz A. et al.
    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
    • Arabic: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Mohammed J. et al.
    • Romanian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Dan C., @ravishi et al.
  • [NEW in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Smaller Components >> Disable Lazy Load: Disable lazy loading of images that was natively added since WordPress v5.5. Props to @boxhamster and @masvil for suggesting this.
  • [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> SVG Upload: will now properly display SVGs uploaded using another plugin, e.g. SVG Support. Props to @tomislo and @ingarb for reporting the issue which prompted this improvement.
  • [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: will now work with non-public post types as well. Props to Robert G. for prompting this improvement.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Login Page Customizer: enable use of the site icon as the login page logo. Props to Ron R. for suggesting this improvement.
  • [CHANGED in Pro] ASE Settings Export: the “live site URL” field value will be emptied when exporting ASE settings. This will prevent “Reading >> Search engine visibility >> Discourage search engines from indexing this site” from being auto-checked, since the site the settings is being imported into will likely have a different URL than the original live site URL. Props to Val J. for prompting this change.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories: improve the fix in in v7.2.1 for layout issue as reported by Marcellus J. Will now cover more scenarios.
  • [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro] ASE is now translated into 20 languages:
    • Added new/improved translation for:
    • ASE Free: Arabic, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Vietnamese
    • ASE Pro: Danish, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent’ done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to for more info.
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @bricksvip et al.
    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to R. József G. et al.
    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Hoang N.Q. et al.
    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Fabio P. et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Toine R and Peter S. et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @chazmlab et al.
    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @markussss, @leonstadler, Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Alf O.F. et al.
    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S. et al.
    • Spanish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @marcorubiol et al.
    • Slovak: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Dominik K. et al.
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ricardo C. et al.
    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Irina et al.
    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ayyaz A. et al.
    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
    • Arabic: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Mohammed J. et al.
  • [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Password Protection: password-protected pages will now be marked with noindex to prevent "duplicate – from user not as canonical set up" warning in SEO reports, e.g. by google. Props to Christian S. for suggesting this.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups: the number field now supports decimal values. Props to Philippe G. for prompting the improvement.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo: enable the use of an image URL hosted on another site as the logo image. Props to Bayley S. for suggesting this improvement.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices: fix for notices coming from "Stock Sync with Google Sheet for WooCommerce" and "Stock Sync with Google Sheet for WooCommerce Ultimate" plugins not being hidden. Props to Manish S. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories:
    • fix a conflict with WP to Buffer plugin causing the plugins list page to show hidden modals. Props to Riza A. for reporting the issue in detail.
    • fix CSS layout issue with WP 6.6 and greater when viewing the media library. This happens when both "Clean Up Admin Bar >> Remove the Help tab and drawer" and "Enhance List Tables >> Show file size column in media library" are checked. Props to Marcellus J. for reporting the issue.
  • [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]ASE is now translated into 20 languages:
    • Added new/improved translationfor:
      • ASE Free: Hungarian, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese
      • ASE Pro: Hungarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese, Chinese
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @bricksvip et al.
    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to R. József G. et al.
    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Hoang N.Q. et al.
    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Fabio P. et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Toine R and Peter S. et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @chazmlab et al.
    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @markussss, Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Alf O.F. et al.
    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S. et al.
    • Spanish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @marcorubiol et al.
    • Slovak: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Dominik K. et al.
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ricardo C. et al.
    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Irina et al.
    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ayyaz A. et al.
    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
    • Arabic: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Mohammed J. et al.
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to for more info.
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