AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock]

xF2 Add-on AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] 2.0.5

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  • Randomized manual key
  • Updated manual entity name if auto-updating is disabled
  • Updated addon title to be consistent from XF to Options to Installation
This is a non-urgent or required update.

  • This version adds back the original non-minified javascript files
    • This files are rarely used, but may be required in development mode or when minification is disabled along with automatic javascript generation
For most users, this update provides zero benefit. However, moving forward this build and all future builds will leave non-minified javascript files for broader support.
  • Bug fix missing DOM variable
  • Moved crawler detection
  • Randomized one variable
  • Added fallback injection method if basic injection is detected clean
  • Randomly re-tests other known elements up to 12 times
  • Automatically minifies entire addon (JS, HTML, CSS)
  • Automatically randomizes all JavaScript elements on fallback routine
  • Added ability to close the notice for the end user
  • Ability to close the overlay follows the option setting for "Allow user to close the anti-AdBlock overlay or notice "
This is a non-required update, v1.8.3 works fine and is a touch more difficult for newbies to circumvent.
  • Removed JavaScript obfuscation (WP JetPack was saying "Core.JS.Malware")
  • This update will no longer report a false positive for Core.JS.Malware
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