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Active Workdesk CMS

Script Active Workdesk CMS 3.3.0 Nulled

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- Integrated Mercadopago payment gateway.
- Added the MAIL ENCRYPTION input field in the SMTP configuration.
- Some minor bug fixing.
- Upgraded PHP version to 8.0
- Upgraded Laravel version to 9.0
- Added another filtering option by skill in freelancer list page.
- Showing country wise flag in freelancer list.
- The filter section of the service list page now includes Delivery time and Price options.
- Added the start price and delivery time to the service list.
- Displaying the list of bid freelancers on the project detail page.
- A filter section has been added to the blog list page.
- Now projects are linkable in the review section from the freelancer detail page and also from the client detail page.
- From now client and freelancer can view their public profile from their dashboard.
- Integrated Firebase messaging in active projects between freelancer and client
- For Google reCAPTCHA, a secret key is added.
- Important bug fixing.
- Now there is a share button on the blog detail page so that readers can easily share individual posts on their preferred social media platforms.
- On the Service Detail Page, suggested services are now displayed
- Country and Hourly Rate options are addded into Frellance listing page's filter section
- The filter postion of the Project listing page now includes a price range option
- New Design included throughout all Frontend, Client panel and Freelance panel
- Added Image Optimization option
- Important bug fix
- Google reCaptcha
- Media Manager
- Oneclick updater
- Translation improvement
- Minor bug fixes
- dynamic staff permission
- user type choice option while social media login
- service cancellation

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