Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


[TH] Flood Control Permissions
Adds additional permissions to increase/decrease flooding limits per member and per content type.
[TH] Profile Posts Limit
Adds the option to control the number of profile posts displayed
[TH] Status Permissions
Adds new permissions for statuses, completely separate from other profile posts permissions. Tags: a
[TH] Forum Watch More
Extends [bd] Forum Watch, adds user group watch options and support for Social Groups
[TH] Edit User Join Date
Allows the administrator to change the registered date of any user through the Admin Control Panel.
[TH] Star Rating for Custom Fields (Custom Field XML)
Add star rating fields to your threads, posts, resources or user profile.
[TH] BB Code Permissions
Use permissions to stop BB codes being used by certain users and user groups, or in certain forums.
[TH] Node Numbers
Prefixes the display order number in the Node Tree in the Admin Control Panel
[TH] User Groups Importer
Export/import your user groups to or from an XML file, for backing up, transferring and duplicating.
[TH] Captcha Phrases
Translate your captcha questions into multiple languages.
[TH] Admin Home
Move the navigation links that you use most often to your Admin Control Panel Home page.
[TH] Add Username To Attachment
Prepend an attachment with the user's name when they download if they are in a specified user group.
[TH] Diagnostics Permissions
Gets rid of those pesky admin tools that have no permissions (Facebook Test + File Health Check)
[TH] Debug On Post
Ever wanted to view the debug screen after posting a form? You can now!
[TH] SMTP Registration Bug Fix
Fixes bug that passwords may be stored in plain text if SMTP server is used and is not working.
[TH] Default XenForo Smilies (Smilie Importer XML)
In case you lose your original XF smilies, import them again with the Smilie Importer
[TH] Star Rating for Custom Fields 1.0.x (Custom Field XML)
Add a star rating field to your threads or user registration/preferences.
A modern, fast, cool red style for your XenForo site!
Kay Minecraft is a Minecraft Version of KDark

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