Nulled Scripts Community

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[TH] Default XenForo Trophies (Trophies XML)
The nine default XenForo trophies, in case you deleted them.
[TH] Default 1.1.x Style with NoForo conditionals (Style XML)
This is the default style, modified to remove forum links when NoForo by ThemeHouse is enabled
[TH] Default Admin Style (Style XML)
This is the default admin style XML file, for use with the Admin Styles by ThemeHouse add-on. Tags:
[TH] Admin Styles
Allows normal styles to be used as ACP styles. Now you can import/export and no debug mode required.
[TH] Font Awesome in Admin Control Panel
Replaces the ACP icons with Font Awesome icons.
[TH] Google Markers (Push-pins) for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Six colored push-pin markers for you to use as markers for your hotspots.
[TH] Google Markers (Various) for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Sixty various markers for you to use as markers for your hotspots.
[TH] Google Markers (Solid) for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Six solid colored markers for you to use as markers for your hotspots.
[TH] Google Markers (Dots) for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Six colored markers with dots for you to use as markers for your hotspots.
[TH] Basic Color Markers for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Blue, brown, dark gray, dark green, gray, green, orange, pale blue, pink, purple, red and yellow.
[TH] Language Chooser Position
Options to manage the Language Chooser through the Admin Control Panel
[TH] Delete Attachments Permission
This adds a permission for deleting attachments on top of the usual edit permissions.
[TH] Image Restrictions
Allow your users to restrict certain users from viewing images in individual posts.
[TH] Language Flags
Add flag images next to your language titles in the language chooser.
[TH] Threads in Overlays
Open specified threads in an overlay.
[TH] Node Language Override
Override the display language for specific forums.
[TH] Random Key Generator
This allows users to generate a random key for their user account, which is stored in the database.
[TH] Post on Reported Content
Creates a new thread in a forum of admins choice on report in addition to filing report as normal.
[TH] XenForo Extended Smilies (Smilie Importer XML)
Import XenForo Extended Smilies by Shelley using the Smilie Importer.
[TH] System-Wide Permissions
Adds a link and a permission in the Admin Control Panel to disable any permissions for all users.

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