Nulled Scripts Community

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[TH] Smilies (Smilies XML)
Unlock the extra smilies that come packaged with XenForo 1.3.
[TH] Default XenForo Smilies (Smilies XML)
In case you lose your original XF smilies, import them again in XenForo 1.3 and above.
[TH] Extra Tabs for Resource Manager
Adds extra tabs to sort by in Resource Manager.
[TH] Promotion End Dates
Adds the ability to add an end date to manually applied user group promotions.
[TH] SVG Templates
Store your vector images as templates, allowing for language phrasing and style-specific changes.
[TH] Un-link Banned Users
Removes all links to banned users' profiles.
[TH] No Thread Links
Removes links from user content to threads in specified forums (e.g., non-public forums).
[TH] PayPal Sandbox
Turns on PayPal Sandbox mode for testing that your account upgrades work.
[TH] Default XenForo User Groups (User Groups Importer XML)
Want to reset your original user groups? Import them with the User Group Importer.
[TH] Date Field for Custom Fields (Custom Field XML)
Add date fields to your threads, posts, resources or user profile.
[TH] Social Notices
An extension for Social Groups. Allows creation of notices in social forums.
[TH] Moderators
Adds the ability to import/export moderators and their individual node permissions.
[TH] Hide Online Users
Hides all online user information from members who choose not to reveal their own online status.
[TH] Guests First Post Only
Allow guests to see first post without logging in, but require login/registration to view the rest.
[TH] Members List
Makes the Registered Members page show as the default page instead of Notable Members.
[TH] Import Tools
Undo steps, skip steps and recover previous imports. Now you can import in several stages.
[TH] Privacy Groups
Add new privacy options for viewing/posting on profile/news feed/identities & sending conversations.
[TH] Promotion Message by ThemeHouse
Creates a thread when a user gets promoted.
[TH] Smilies (Smilie Importer XML)
Unlock the extra smilies that come packaged with XenForo.
[TH] Extra Trophies (Trophies XML)
The eight extra trophies that appear on Because everything KAM do is gold!
