Nulled Scripts Community

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[XD] Popular Tags Coud AnimeHaxor
Displays the most popular tags on sidebar with dynamic design.
Search Results with GSE Admin
Shows to search results with use "Google Search Engine"
Alerts AnimeHaxor
Updates alert count when a thread is viewed.
[KL] Admin Tools AnimeHaxor
Advanced administration tools to simplify your forum management.
Attempts to import the vBulletin 3/4 moderator log into XenForo 2
Cakeday AnimeHaxor
Users are important, show them they matter to you.
[xFv] Animated Online Markers TheFollower
Choose from a variety of online markers including animated markers.
[JUM] Who Has Visited (Lite) AnimeHaxor
A simple widget for displaying users who visited the forum in the last X hours (default 24)
Day Night Switcher AnimeHaxor
This addon automatically changes forum style depending on part of the day

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