Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


[TH] Your Reports
Allow users to see reports they've created, plus adds extra user criteria for reports.
[TH] Discussion Count AnimeHaxor
Adds a discussions count and displays it where message count is displayed.
[TH] Custom Post Fields
An extension for Custom Fields. Adds custom fields to every post and article page.
[TH] Thread Filters
Adds the ability to filter by multiple prefixes, by thread starters or thread posters.
[TH] Agree to Terms of Service AnimeHaxor
Force users to agree to updated TOS and site rules.
[TH] Parental Control
Add the ability for one account to monitor and place restrictions on another.
[TH] vBulletin 4 CMS Importer
Import your CMS articles from vB4 into XenForo threads.
[TH] AutoComplete Combo Box
Replace your boring AutoComplete input boxes with all-singing, all-dancing AutoComplete combo boxes.
[TH] Integration Permissions
Adds a permission to restrict certain users from being able to login from Facebook etc.
[TH] Forum List Tabs
Separate your forum categories into tabbed lists.
[TH] Sub-Domains
Customise your forum based on the domain or run several forums from a single XenForo installation.
[TH] Resource Category List Navigation
Provides options to simplify your resource categories
[TH] Avatars
Extra large avatars, scale-to-fit and long rectangular avatars.
[TH] Resource Authors by ThemeHouse
Adds Active Authors sidebar block to all categories, support for Resource Managers by ThemeHouse.
[TH] User Registration Spam Rules
Create custom rules for stopping spam registrations on your forum.
[TH] Create Resource from Forum
Adds a button in forum view to allow you to create a resource with a thread in that forum.
[TH] External Authentication Privacy
Adds additional options to avoid personal information being copied during external authentication.
[TH] Smilie Importer
Import (and export) your smiles from (or to) an XML file. No more typing in coordinates!
[TH] XenForo Extended Smilies (Smilies XML)
Import XenForo Extended Smilies by Shelley using XenForo 1.3.
