Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


[TH] Bookmarks Importer Admin
xF2 Add-on [TH] Bookmarks Importer 1.0.0 Patch Level 2
Import bookmarks from [TH] Bookmarks into XenForo 2.1
[TH] Emojify Pro AnimeHaxor
Embrace the future of communication
[SC] Twitter Widget AnimeHaxor
Add a Twitter Widget in the sidebar
XenForo app for Android and iOS - (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) Admin
Appify will generate a white label mobile app for your XenForo forum, on Android & iOS
[XD] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider AnimeHaxor
Show to featured threads slider with responsive design to your community.
[XTR] More Thread Same Forum Admin
Show more thread same forum in thread view.
[XD] Hide User Cell On First Post AnimeHaxor
Hide to user cell on first post to selected user groups.
Translate Outdated Phrases AnimeHaxor
Adds the translate layout to the outdated phrases page
Daily Doodle AnimeHaxor
Change your logo like Google does
Username change AnimeHaxor
Ultimate username change functionality: managable history, criteria, widget, permissions and more!
[BP] Light Switch and Style Chooser AnimeHaxor
light bulb switch for alternating light and dark styles and a customizable style chooser
xF2 Add-on Slack Notify 2.1.0 Release Candidate 6
Admin utility to send notifications to your Slack channel for errors, registrations, etc
Increases the max characters for custom user titles from 50 characters to 100 characters.
Provides GeoIP information and map within post IP tools.
Forces all message / signature links to open in a new tab.

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