Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


Shared library files used by all AddonsLab add-ons
Image Count Limit by User Group Admin
Provides user-group based count limits for posts
Can Warn Staff Admin
Allow moderators and administrators to be warned.
[] Custom PHP Pages Admin
Create custom PHP pages with or without the XF layout.
[MMO] Mentions Users Rich Formatting Admin
Formatting usernames to group color in messages
[cXF] Admin Search on Index Admin
for faster search on administration index page.
[MMO] Disable Lost Password Admin
Turns off the ability to recover a password
[MMO] Change Password Permission Admin
The prohibition on changing the password for certain user groups.
[MMO] Post Edit Reason Admin
Adds a reason for editing the message to the message.
[Xen-Soluce] Avatar Gallery Admin
Allow your users to select their avatar from a gallery of avatars provided by you.
Clean Admin UI Admin
Remove extra information from the Admin UI for admin users without explicit permissions
Monolog Logging Service Admin
Provides Monolog logging facilities for XenForo 2 addons
Log Digest Admin
Sends XenForo logs to administrators via email
Known Bots Admin
Adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions

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