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[XenBg] AdBlock Detection Admin
🔒 Protect your revenue – stop AdBlock today! 🚀
Warning Improvements by Xon Admin
Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
[cv6] Notice Countdown Admin
xF2 Add-on [cv6] Notice Countdown 1.0.1 Release Candidate 1
Adds the possibility to add a day countdown in a notice.
[Ap Yazilim] Mini Announcement Blocks Admin
It allows you to add up to 3 mini announcement blocks to your XenForo platform simultaneously.
[cXF] Status update on What's new page Admin
Easily update your profile status on What's new page.
[cv6] Dice Roller Admin
xF2 Add-on [cv6] Dice Roller 2.5.0 Release Candidate 2
Manage Dice, and Systems and roll them in a post with calculation of fail or success.
Group membership moderators Admin
Add group membership moderators to your forum.
[cv6] Letter Index Admin
xF2 Add-on [cv6] Letter Index 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2
adds a letter index filter to forum and/or resource category
[cv6] New Post Icon Admin
Displays an icon in front of threads with new posts
[cv6] Admin Collapse Lists & Tools Admin
Callpse several development related lists
[cv6] Core Admin
xF2 Add-on [cv6] Core 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1
Core addon to combine some cross addon functionality
[MMO] External Accounts Admin
The ability to register and enter the forum through popular social networks.
[Ap Yazılım] Announcement Area Admin
Adds a modern and user-friendly announcement system to your XenForo platform.
Simple grid and rounded nodes Admin
Two column grid for forum list with rounded corners and optional subforums shown in a box
ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat Admin
A JQuery based, Facebook style chat script that allows your users to communicate.
[XB] XFRM: Remove Sidenav Categories Admin
Remove sidenav categories from resource manager pages
[OzzModz] What's New Tweak Admin
Options to tweak the What's New page and make it more consistent
XFCoder :: Latest XF Threads Widget for WordPress Admin
Shows your latest forum threads in a widget on your WordPress installation
Report reasons Admin
Let users select why they are reporting content.

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