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[8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Events) PRO

xF1 Add-on [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Events) PRO 1.1.5

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  • Depending on the math, either 2015 has 53 weeks, or 2016 does... In this Calendar, it happens to be 2016. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to program 53 weeks into the Weekly Calendar display. This version fixes that. You will now be able to access week 53 on the Weekly Calendar.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed a bug that made it so the Event Queue did not get properly populated by multiple occurrences.
This is update gift thanks to @meto!
This new version now REQUIRES API keys from Google Maps. The description for the setting in the admin CP explains where to get your API key, and which APIs to enable.
  • Address searching now uses Geocoding. Hopefully, with these changes, things will work better in iPhones... but I don't have an iPhone, so I can't really test it.
  • The keyword filter now unchecks to hide categories, instead of checking to hide categories. Why this is an issue, I have no idea... but some of you seemed very adamant about this.
  • Fixed some minor styling issues with the featured events list.
  • Added a Search Handler for events! Events will now show up when you use the search engine. For this, a new content type called "event" has been added to handle for this. You will need to rebuild the search index for events if you want previously submitted events to be in the search index.
  • A "date" field has been added to events. This is a private field that is automatically updated whenever any changes happen to an event, or occurrences are added/edited for an event. The entire purpose of this field is to order the event in search results.

rubgeaxLatest member