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[8wayRun.Com] XenUtiles (Backup) PRO

xF1 Add-on [8wayRun.Com] XenUtiles (Backup) PRO 1.0.1

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With the release of XF1.2 I've decided to comply with a long-requested change to how I do XenUtiles. In the past, I've included all of my admin tools into XenUtiles as a single omnibus package... people didn't like this. So instead, I will be separating packages into related features.

This specific package is for automated database backups. Now before I go on, I want to point out that database backup is very easy to do and there are many guides on how to automate it yourself through SSH/telnet/cPanel etc... I'm charging for this addon because I've put a lot of work into integrating a backup system directly into XenForo.

Before you buy this addon however, you must be aware of a few requirements. This addon uses php's exec() command to run mysqldump. If you're running off a shared hosting service, you may not have access to these powerful tools and be unable to use this addon.

  • Automated XenForo database backup.
  • Close forum during scheduled backups.
  • Define mysqldump custom option flags.
  • Separate backups into multiple files or a single package.
  • Compress backups using Gzip or Bzip2.
  • Upload backups to remote servers via FTP protocol.
  • Backup history and logs viewable from the Admin CP.

  • upload the contents of the attached zip to your XF root
  • install from file on server: "library/EWRutiles/Backup/addon-EWRutiles_backup.xml"
  • set options in administration control panel
Usage Notes:
  • The default schedule for backups is every Thursday morning at 10AM UTC. You can change this by editing the cron entry in your admin CP.
  • It is possible that the php script timeouts during the database dump. If you are getting timeout problems switch to "single file" output option. Once the the single file dump has been started, it will complete, even if the php script timeouts.
  • If you have selected the "single file" output option, there is no reason to close your forum during backups as your tables will automatically lock during the backup to ensure consistency.
  • If the php script timeouts it may not re-open your forum if you have opted to close your forum... yet another reason to select the "single file" option.
  • The "--verbose" flag ensures the creation of a mysqldump log. If you are using the "multiple files" ouput and it timeouts, this log will help you determine where in the dump the script failed.
16.4 KB
First release
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