Implemented the new payment gateway for One time & Recurring payments: LemonSqueezy .
Implemented the new Spotlight search system - Enabled via the admin panel - settings page.
Implemented all the available open graph tags to automatically work on all public pages to boost social media activity.
Implemented the new way to set your custom theme color from the admin panel via a pre-set palette of colors.
Implemented the HSTS header for security purposes on all endpoints.
Implemented new BETA feature that automatically detects when you write in an URL required field and automatically adds the required "https://" in front of it.
Implemented the ability to control & specify if Iframe embedding is allowed on your site (disable, enable for all, or enable for specific domains only) via the admin panel.
Implemented the new blog posts rating system.
Implemented rich snippets (structured data) for blog posts with ratings for improved SEO.
Implemented the ability to hide the account settings newsletter subscribe option - from the admin panel - settings page.
Implemented the ability to set a custom branded color & border radius for all emails sent.
Improved call to action buttons where feasible for system emails that are sent out.
Improved meta parameters with more details for OpenGraphs and Twitter cards.
Documentation integrated with the main look of the product website.
Dark/Light mode can be switched now from CMD/CTRL + I shortcut.
Improved & changed certain SVG icons to better support the dark mode look.
Improved SEO by denying indexing on app routes that should not be indexed.
Improved the image optimizer plugin to have a working fallback option when the public API fails.
Fixed custom domains filters showing even if custom domains system is disabled.
Fixed cookie consent system on pixels usage system making some resources unnecessarily load multiple times.
Fixed image optimizer plugin issues where it might not work in some cases.
Fixed issues filters in the internal notification system.
Fixed issues FAQ structured data schema on the landing page.
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