Nulled Scripts Community

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Recent content by AnimeHaxor

  1. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Dynamic thread url & descriptions for embedding 1.0.4

    When thread/post-<ID> are linked via social media, the embeds contain the linked post and not the first post on the page
  2. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Installer App Helper 1.0.1

    A helper add-on which allows critical add-ons to run during the XenForo installer context and prevents is_processing from disabling those add-ons during upgrade
  3. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Multiple Account To Conversation 1.2.3

    This is a child-addon for NulledTeam - Signup abuse detection and blocking, which enables sending multiple account reports to conversations. It does not work without the mentioned add-on.
  4. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Click to Shrink 1.0.2

    Shrink quotes after they have expanded
  5. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Mod Tools Improvements 1.2.2

    Implements "soft" post merging which leaves the source post alone This requires support for each add-on, supports Vote Tally Dice roller Threadmarks Sticky any post @Naz Gift Upgarde Adds permission for: Moving thread Viewing thread moderator logs Merging thread Soft merging post Hard...
  6. AnimeHaxor

    xF1 Guides Fake Super Admin IP Address

    This is a neat way to hide the IP address(es) of your Super Admin(s). You need to modify the core file "Visitor.php" located at /library/Xenforo/Visitor.php . Make a backup copy of this file before you modify anything. Important: (01.) If you upograde your forum in any way like with...
  7. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Template Modification New post & reply buttons in threads

    You can use this to show it members of certain usergroups. Simply edit the "in_array" below to add usergroups to it. This will add a "reply" button next to the newthread button. Even if a bot is aware of the newthread & new post buttons, they will no longer follow it with the nofollow attribute...
  8. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Dev Tutorials Javascript debugging with PhpStorm and Google Chrome using your own Chrome profile

    This is a tutorial to get Javascript debugging working in PhpStorm with Chrome while using your own Chrome user profile. The goal here is for PhpStorm to open a Chrome window for debugging purposes using your own user profile, rather than an arbitrary one that doesn't have any of your open tabs...
  9. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Quill Editor - 1.0.1

    Changes Improved RTL (right-to-left text direction) support Updated dependencies
  10. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Quill Editor 1.0.1

    Provides an editor module based on Quill. The editor can be used by developers in their add-ons. Submit issue, Post Question or Request Feature on Github: Issues · 021-projects/quill-editor
  11. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [XFI] Copying Conten - 2.0.1

    Added: Ability to exclude pages from the add-on
  12. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [XFI] Copying Conten 2.0.1 Patch Level 1

    The ported analogue is [SH] Copying Site, for XenForo 2. The addition provides simple protection against copy-pasters (If desired, everything can be copied). Main features: Adding a link to the source to the copied text Alert when text is copied Disable right key press Prevent text selection...
  13. AnimeHaxor

    What are you currently playing?

    If you want to find a player then you can join this Join the /r/starcitizen Discord Server! It's an official server and you will find someone who plays Star citizen.
  14. AnimeHaxor

    Question regarding membership

    Hey, as for tutorial setup the script here,

chenbalandLatest member